Monday, March 8, 2010

Our night without lights.

Last night during the Oscar's Ryan and I had the misfortune of loosing power! We lit about 4 candles in the living room, waited around for about 10 minutes for the power to come back on and when it didn't we decided to turn in.

Can you even believe that not that long ago people lived without power? I totally understand the original need for daylight savings! Those extra hours of daylight are so valuable when you only have candles. As we discovered last night, you really can't read very well with candles, wash your face, or put away the laundry. Especially when you don't want to drip wax all over your house. I actually thought it was nice to be without power, it provoked conversation between Ryan and me as well as helped me fall asleep faster than I usually do! I woke up feeling more refreshed than normal. Maybe all you need is a night without lights with your honey to feel refreshed too?

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